Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gender Conflict in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ Essay

It is evident that in A Midsummer Nights Dream gender conflict is not the only source of comic disorder in the exposition of the play. This can be seen due to the number of other events and scenes which are sources of comic disorder such as character relationships, stereotypes & status and authoritative conflicts. An element of comic disorder in the exposition of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is the idea of men having a higher status than women. The theme of men having control over women is also reinforced in the relationship between Hippolyta and Theseus. Theseus states that he has â€Å"wooed thee with my sword, and won thy love doing thee injuries† whether this is taken in a sexual context or a violent one, it highlights the idea of men having the power and force to overpower and subdue women. The fact that Hippolyta is the queen of the Amazons shows just how strong this idea is, as she would have been a powerful and strong warrior herself. The theme of the old having po wer over the young is explored with the idea that Hermias father has complete power over her as she is just a young woman. The fact that only old men hold the high, authoritative positions in Athens again reinforces this idea that the old and the male rule the people. However this is humorous to an Elizabethan audience as the English Monarch at the time was in fact Queen Elizabeth. Famed for her ferociousness and female power, this is greatly juxtaposed with the treatment of the women in A Midsummer Nights Dream. Particularly because Queen Elizabeth was actually a fairly young monarch. The quote â€Å"as she is mine I may dispose of her† directly reinforces the idea that woman are simply the possessions of men whether they be their daughters or their wives. Another representation of these themes is the conflict between Oberon and Titania. Titania is being again the disobedient woman who will not do as her powerful husband wishes. Oberon states in act 2 scene 1 â€Å"Tarry, rash wanton. Am not I thy lord?† which enforces the idea that Titania should be obeying Oberon, not being sarcastic and brazen. She replies to oberon â€Å"Then I must be thy lady. But I know, when thou hast stolen away from Fairyland, and in the shape of Corin sat all day, laying on pipes of corn and versing love to amorous Phillida.† in an accusational tone accusing him of being unfaithful to her. As a woman, Titania is exerting power and makes herself almost Oberon’s equal in their back and forth bickering, however this displeases Oberon as she should be submissive and passive towards his behaviours. So, Oberon decides to  humiliate Titania in order to achieve what he wants, which in this case, is the indian boy. However, Oberon does not have a claim to the boy has he was rightfully given to Titania to look after, due to his mother’s death. The fact that Oberon must humiliate Titania into getting what he wants demonstrates how much of a strong character Titania is and creates a great parallel of whom has the power in the ‘magical’ relationship. This humiliation technique is comic to an Elizabethan man as this meek representation of women would have appealed to the sexist humour and values of the era. We see this conflict with Hermia and her father Egeus when Egeus is taking her to see Theseus the ruler of Athens because of her refusal to marry Demetrius. Egeus has arranged for her to marry Demetrius, a common practice in Ancient Greece and the ancient world. An Elizabethan audience, especially women, would be able to relate to this as arranged marriages would still take place for money and status. A source of comic disorder in the exposition of A Midsummer Nights Dream is the character relationships. Lysanders attempts in the woods to sleep with Hermia are very humorous to the audience as they see the problems with lust and pride of virginity in young love. The quote â€Å"One turf shall serve as pillow for us both; one heart, one bed, two bosoms and one troth† shows that although Lysander may be riddling prettily he is implying he wants to be able to hold or be close to Hermias breasts. The repition of the word ‘one’ shows Lysanders desires to become ‘one’ with Hermia, which is a reference to sex. However it also could be that Lysander desires to spiritually be ‘one’ with helana, not just physically but mentally. This could be linked with the way the forest brings out the characters spirituality. In Northrop Fryes â€Å"the green world† he discusses how the main characters escape the order of a city for a forested and wild setting adjacent to the city. This natural environment is often described as a green world. It is in this more loosely structured, fantastic environment that issues surround social order, romantic relationships, and inter-generational strife, which are a prominent part of the â€Å"city world†, become resolved, facilitating a return to the normal order. In correspondence with this, recent literary critics drawn to ecocriticism have occasionally found the concept valuable to their work as well. Lysander’s advances cause comic disorder as they explore the idea of  letting the characters sexuality free in the forest. This is funny to a male and female Elizabethan audience as Lysanders attempts to sleep with Hermia are quickly shunned by a prim Hermia who quickly guesses his hidden meanings. Another couple to cause comic disorder in the exposition are Helena and Demetrius, due to Helenas utter lust and doting for Demetrius. This shows gender role reversal as Helena should be a lady who is wooed and pursued. An example of this being â€Å"We cannot fight for love as men may do. We should be wooed and were not made to woo.† Helena admits that she is consciously gender role reversing, however she will continue to do so until Deemetrius loves her. This is comic as it shows how her attempts to seduce Demetrius fail time and time again and she uses very comic language to express her desperation for Demetrius to return her feelings. For expmale â€Å"I am your spaniel; and, Demetrius, The more you beat me the more I will fawn on you†. This unbelievably derogatory analysis of Helena by herself is sad yet comic as she is supposed to be a lady who is reserved and does not make her feelings known, never mind in such a dramatic and desperate fashion. This humour in the exposition sets up the themes of gender role reversal and sexuality in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Puck is obviously a main source of comic disorder in ‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’ for example his disastrous mix up of Lysander and Demetrius. Though A Midsummer Night’s Dream divides its action between several groups of characters, Puck is the closest thing the play has to a protagonist. His mischievous spirit pervades the atmosphere, and his actions are responsible for many of the complications that develop the main plots in a chaotic way. Puck sees himself as a naughty â€Å"master† that plays with mortal people as if they were puppets. He takes advantage of one of humankind’s weakness, love. For Puck, love is either a nuisance (played more evil than good) or just a comical disaster that humans and other beings stupid enough to fall into it, to entertain him. The audience can see this when he says â€Å"Up and down, up and down; I will lead them up and down: I am fear’d in field and town; Goblin, lead them up and down.† This quotation highlights how mischievous he is and how he tortures humans in their love affairs by causing chaos and malfunction. Puck’s transformations also cause mass comic disorder in ‘’a midsummer night’s dream’’, he famously transforms Bottom’s head into that of  a donkey, and he’s also fond of shape-shifting himself. At one point, he brags that he often pretends to be a stool and then disappears so that old ladies will land on their â€Å"bums†. He also terrorizes the Mechanicals in the woods after turning their friend into a human-donkey (bottom). One could say that Puck parallels Philostrate’s position as Theseus’s â€Å"master of revels.† (In Elizabethan England, the Master of the Revels was a male who was in charge of all the entertainment at court organizing entertainment and parties for the king and court. Philostrate’s job is to make sure Theseus and his court is entertained. Puck’s main job, much alike Philsostrate, is to entertain his king and his fairy comrades with farce and comedy. Puck often in the play takes on the role of the court jester. As Puck says, his duty is to â€Å"jest to Oberon and make him smile† and he does this with the humiliation of Titania, causing her to fall in love with bottom, and by accidently causing hilarious chaos within Lysander, Hermia, Helena and Demetrius’ love lives. Puck either intends to, or ends up causing chaos which is always motivated by love. Therefore Shakespeare uses to him to personify the trials and tribulations that true love brings, whether it be jealousy, controlling natures or disobedience. However it is true that Gender Conflict is a main part of comic disorder in the exposition of A Midsummer Nights Dream. The conflicts between Egeus and Hermia, Oberon and Titania, Helena and Demetrius, Theseus and Hermia & Lysander and Hermia are all to do with issues between men and woman. These issues mainly being sexuality, power and rights. However it is not the only source of comic disorder in the exposition, due to the fact the exposition contains the other themes of comic disorder. Gender conflict is based on the cultural beliefs various societies have established concerning the roles men and women play in those societies. Much of the conflict centres on stereotypes and whether the different genders conform to those stereotypes, so theref ore in A Midsummer Nights Dreams, gender conflict is definitely something that appears a lot in the exposition. Particularly with the disobedience of Hermia and the gender role reversal of Helena with her behaviour towards Demetrius. However, it is evident that Gender Conflict is not the only source of comic disorder in the exposition of A Midsummer Nights Dream.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Nature of Gender Relations in the United States Essay

Like the nationals of all other countries, Americans have over the years developed a strongly gendered culture. Right from childhood, males are taught how to behave as males while females learn how to be feminine. Masculinity is often associated with machoism, strength and aggression. Gender relations are clearly evident in the heterosexual dating scene where masculinity is expected of men while feminity is expected of women (Zurbriggen, 2009). There exists a notable link between the prevalence of rape and gender relations. Women and children are at the highest risk of rape. Most victims are raped by relatives, friends, or people they know. Many are raped several times before they either report the assault or it becomes difficult to keep it secret, for instance when they get pregnant or a venereal disease (Abbey et al. , 2004). To understand why people are victimized by those they are close to, one needs to look back at the violators’ developmental stages. Males learn early in life that they are supposed to be more powerful than the rest. The resulting gender rigidity leads men to rape or use violence to control and intimidate women (McGlynn, 2008; Zurbriggen, 2009). Men thus find it easier to justify rape and violence against vulnerable spouses, children, friends and other relatives. Male victims of rape and males who choose to have sex with other males do not fit in as men and are often treated as women (Bonthuys, 2008). This implies that according to males, rape can only happen to non-males. America remains a largely patriarchal society which means that relations between members of society are still skewed in favor of men. Gender is seen in most aspects of everyday Americans’ lives and domination of men over women is evident in domestic relations as well as in formal institutions (Seymour, 2009). While it boasts of being one of the longest democracies, the United States of America hosts a society which is still characterized gender relations which favour males at the expense of other members of society, thereby sneaking in the ‘justification’ for men to hold power over and control other members of society. References Abbey, A. , Beshears, R. , Clinton-Sherrod, A. & McAuslan, P. (2004). Similarities and Differences in Women’s Sexual Assault Experiences Based on Tactics Used by the Perpetrator. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 28: pp 323-332. Bonthuys, E. (2008). Putting Gender into the Definition of Rape or Taking it Out? Feminist Legal Studies 16: pp 249-260. McGlynn, C. (2008). Rape as ‘Torture’? Catherine Mackinnon and Questions of Feminist Strategy. Feminist Legal Studies 16: pp 71-85. Seymour, K. (2009). Women, Gendered Work and Gendered Violence: So Much More than a Job. Gender, Work and Organization, Vol. 16, No. 2: pp 238-265. Zurbriggen, E. (2009). Understanding and Preventing Adolascent Dating Violence: The Importance of Developmental, Sociocultural, and Gendered Perspectives. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 33: pp 30-33.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How did American jazz influence Brazilian guitar music Essay

How did American jazz influence Brazilian guitar music - Essay Example The earliest effect of jazz on Brazilian music may be traced back to Choro music which is considered the precursor of Brazilian jazz and bossa nova. Choro bands appeared as early as 1870 and by 1920s this music was made popular by prominent national composer Heitor Villa-Lobos. This music resembled New Orleans Jazz known as ragtime (Candelaria and Garcia 93). Livingston-Isenhour et al (104) trace the influence of American jazz on Brazilian guitar music. According to them, in the beginning, it was actually American audience mesmerized by exotic freshness of the Brazilian music sung by Carmen Miranda in 1940-1950. However, they posit that American music influenced Brazilian culture much more, thereafter. American music being sophisticated and cosmopolitan was also considered a threat to Brazilian culture by some. During World War II Roosevelt began a good neighbor policy to keep Brazil on its side. As a result of this policy American creative artists such as filmmakers and musicians al so traveled to Brazil. Though the cultural exchange did flourish American music in Brazil but American Jazz had become popular in Brazil much before the good Neighbor policy of Roosevelt. As early as in 1920s American jazz music was available in Brazilian market. By 1940s American music overtook Brazilian music in record sales and frequency of transmission on radio.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Will Basic Economic Problem ever be solved Essay

Will Basic Economic Problem ever be solved - Essay Example tisfied with the quality and quantity of goods and services they have, and they always want more; but the nature has finite resources at any given point in time. The problem of scarcity can be solved, and is being solved, through the technological advances. Scarcity means that while a person enjoys one resource at a given time, he has to give up another to let others enjoy, or the society ends up with some people enjoying the resources and some not. Technology in the industrialized nations has made the resources available to almost everyone at the doorstep. For example, medical health services are being provided even to remote areas through telemedicine and e-health, which remotely residing people could never think of availing. Distance education is made possible through online education, and so, remotely residing people, or those who cannot afford high university fee, can also get the same standard of education as those who can afford it. However, the counter-argument is that scarcity can never be solved because it is never enough for everybody. Nature has finite number of resources that have to end at a certain time, but population will keep on growing and requiring. Human beings have finite choices, finite opportunities, finite time on earth, and finite energy to produce resources. Similarly, there is finite labor, capital and other economic resources in the market. Natural resources like air and solar energy are infinite, but labor and capital is required to turn these natural resources into usable energy. Technology can be used to convert solar energy into heat or electrical energy, but labor and capital is required, which is again finite. Hence, cobweb of economic finiteness makes scarcity a big problem. Nonetheless, considering the rate at which technological advances are being made, no one knows what technology holds for us in future with respect to solving the problem of scarcity. To conclude, scarcity is a major economic problem as human needs keep on

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How Should Albatross Anchor Overcome Its Business Challenges Case Study

How Should Albatross Anchor Overcome Its Business Challenges - Case Study Example The current time management process at Albatross Anchor is poor and outdated. There are a lot of inefficiencies in manufacturing. The changeover time required from one anchor type to another is as large as 36 hours. This implies that the company may be spending more time in set-up rather than manufacturing. No doubt the lead time of the products manufactured by the company for bulk orders is 3-4 weeks. These inefficiencies in time management have a huge impact on its profit margins and customer satisfaction.The most obvious and the best way of time management is to reduce set-up time. It is recommended that Albatross Anchor uses SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dyes) methodology. The idea behind this methodology is to reduce set-up time to less than a minute (which was later modified to a single digit). It may not be possible to literally reduce the set-up time to a single digit. The aim should reduce the set-up time realistically to as low as possible.SMED can be applied by Albatross Anchor by identifying the activities which can be performed externally i.e. not within the machine set up. These activities need to be performed before the changeover is required. This means deploying certain resources for performing these external activities in parallel while the other resources are working on the machine for current operation. All the wastes should be eliminated and each operation should be optimized. If Albatross can afford to make the capital investment, it needs to go for equipment which has the same basic parts and requires only a change of few parts (dyes) while changing over from one anchor to another. By following such steps, Albatross Anchor should be able to reduce its set up time from 36 hours to less than an hour.One of the biggest challenges in front of Albatross Anchor is the use of obsolete technology. Moreover, technology is not being used for several operations. This leads to safety issues, poor quality, long lead times, long set-up times, efficie ncy losses and customer dissatisfaction.The biggest need at the moment is to adopt the latest manufacturing technology.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Peer Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Peer Review - Essay Example This is memorable because it brings out the abandoned work of civil society and the need to hold government accountable for social justice. The fact that the writer ends with a word of advice, asking that the tribal governments be allowed voices to speak gives a perfect sense of completion and that completion is that the needed freedoms have seen not been granted and that it is time to grant them to those who deserve them. Even though it is an important part of article writing to be making references to previous articles, especially when they are written by the same author, it is very important that once such reference is made some details will be given to the part of the article that is being referred to so that those who might never have access to such articles can understand what is being said but this was lacking here. The most memorable part of the essay is where revelation is made of how the people believed in human sacrifices in those days. This is memorable because it really teaches about societal evolution and the changes that has accompanied out social lifestyle over the years. Perhaps, they are things we do that will not be done 500 years to come. The ending of the story is very sudden because the writer suddenly gives factual reason to the source of the bones, which were found and served as topical issue at the beginning of the essay without giving indication of how this conclusion was arrived. In future works, the writer should be more detailed and structure the essay well be give it a solid conclusion that will not make readers wonder how come such definition claims as the source of the bones were established. The maker of the call for a Native American to take the highest position at the Supreme Court refuses to give justifiable reasons why the position has never been held by Native Americans. It would have served a lot of good and brought clarity if the reasons were given. It is memorable and refreshing to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing and Management Critical Assessment Research Paper

Marketing and Management Critical Assessment - Research Paper Example The paper has taken into consideration the history of the company along with its past situation and present situation. In analyzing the present situation, PESTEL, porters five force, its target market, posting, and branding strategies have been analyzed and it has reached into the conclusion that the brand has been performing well but still faces certain challenges such as global financial crises, environmental issues which need to be catered in order to sustain...n its sustainability and global pressure. Contents Executive Summary 2 4 Introduction 5 History 6 Present Analysis 8 Target market 8 Differentiation & Positioning 8 Micro Environment 9 SWOT Analysis 10 Macro Environment 11 PESTEL Analysis 11 Overall corporate/business/marketing strategy 12 The 4P’s 13 Life Cycle 14 Y Axis 15 X Axis 15 Brand strategies 15 Online presence 16 Relevance of Corporate and Social Responsibility 17 Future of the brand 18 Reference 19 Introduction In the recent years, the luxury industry has been facing increased pressure due to the rise in Euro currency against dollar which has resulted in the reduction of the global consumer expenditure (Riley, Lomax & Blunden, 2004, p. 40). Luxury can be defined as an indulgence on goods or services that are not essential for daily existence and is directly proportional to economic affluence. The marketers are trying to invent new terms in order to quantify the concept of luxury which in return has created confusion with regards to the term luxury. Luxury is not only trade or restricted to indulgence on cars or fashionable accessories but a very different way of understanding the needs of the customer and manages the business in an effective manner. The term luxury is often dealt with confusion as everyone tends to understand it but there are hardly people who can agree on the meaning of luxury. The concept of luxury is a relative group and not an absolute category. It can be said that with time span the concept and meaning of luxury keep on changing, a luxury today can become an essential item in future. A luxury what is it today will have an absolutely different meaning and value in the future (Kapferer & Bastien, 2009, p.39). The luxury industry is one of the global multi-billion sectors which comprises of brands which are of high relevance and are also among the most influential brands globally. Despite the fact that the luxury industry is among the largest sectors but the SBU of the luxury industry has been experiencing a slow growth rate. The reason behind this was that the brands were managed mainly through the traditional methods of business where decisions were taken through intuition and also on trial basis. Thus in the environment of global business, the luxury sector has been undergoing certain changes in the process of management. Changes such as valuation of brand assets, brand equity along with the need of e-business have been taken place in the luxury sector. Other factors which have also emerge d over the years include the expansion of luxury sector for the consumer market so to target a broader market; increasing competition from other brands; reinterpretation of the concept of luxury by the consumers and with the emerging new markets in the luxury sector such as India, China and Russia have opened up new outlook and opportunities for the fashion luxury sector.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

A response to the prompt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A response to the prompt - Essay Example Others argue that it might be morally permissible to take lives in certain special cases. There is no agreement or consensus as to what is morally permissible and what is not when it comes to euthanasia. In this paper the issue of euthanasia will be discussed while responding a prompt in which a baby is in considerable pain and has no hope of revival. Different options will be discussed and medical, ethical, legal, and psychological reasons for choosing an option will also be presented. There are three options available for the doctor of Stephanie. The first option involves continuing her treatment without doing anything else. The second option involves slowly withdrawing treatment and ‘allowing’ her to die naturally. The second option is a perfect example of passive euthanasia. The third option is to act now and end the life of Stephanie in order to save her from the pain she is experiencing. Below each of the three options will be discussed. The first option will lead to great pain to the patient without any hope of medical revival. But it cannot be ignored that there have been cases where medical evidence has been refuted. This is a safe option for a doctor as continuing the treatment will not break any medical laws or will be morally questionable. But the downside of this option is that the patient will go through immense pain for no good reason and her quality of life will not improve. The second option finds a middle way between the two extreme options, but is still not immune from moral criticism. Some might argue that letting a patient die and taking a life might be morally indifferent (Rachels, 87). This makes the second option also complicated as many also argue against passive euthanasia. However, this option is legally permissible if the decision to stop the treatment is taken with the consent of the parents. The third option is another extreme and calls for ending

Effective Mentoring and Coaching Reflection Essay

Effective Mentoring and Coaching Reflection - Essay Example Integrity, honesty, and ethics are important in any coaching and mentoring process. Upholding these virtues help to create confidence, and trust between the mentors and the mentee and this promotes mutual relationships that allow the process to be successful. It allows the mentors to express their weakness as well as strengths without any coercion and this enables the mentoring process to fair on well. Many of the participants further expressed the need for the mentor to be of high integrity to help boost on the mentorship relationship. Many of the teachers indicated that passion was very crucial in the process of mentorship. Passion enables mentors to be committed in the entire process of mentoring and therefore, inculcates the same virtue to the mentee that will often associate this with the already developed qualities. However, a group of teachers was the idea that passion should be sparingly expressed while other seemed to think that it was imperative that the passion is totally expressed. To ensure effective mentoring, the passions of the mentors or coaches is salient and therefore, it is important that this is illustrated in the mentoring process in order to trigger positive change in behavior and stimulate or ensure full engagement and improvement in achievement.There was a conflicting opinion on the question on whether the mentor or coach is supposed to learn from the mentoring process. Mixed reactions were elicited with one teacher who held to the opinion that, a mentor.... Mixed reactions were elicited with one teacher who held to the opinion that, a mentor or a coach should learn from outside sources before mentoring others. This is a way to ensure that the learners are confident in the process. The mentor should also be well informed on what to mentor to ensure that the process is successful. The mentee expects the mentor to teach new things and therefore, the mentor needs to be abreast with facts. On the other hand, other teachers were of the contrary opinion and argued that, the open process of mentoring was the best approach because it allowed the mentor to learn from the process. This is because, there are different circumstances and situations and therefore, such situations help the mentor to gain more skills and knowledge. Furthermore, they contend that, research materials on mentorship was only a guide that mentors use and therefore they are just mere guidelines to direct the mentor on the best practices during mentorship. For development of a ppropriate mentorship skills, it is appropriate for understanding of the mentee and the environment in which the process of mentoring is taking place. Furthermore, the mentor should show commitment on any assigned role that many arise from the process. This facilitated acquisition of same characteristics in the mentored parties and promoted effectiveness of the mentoring and coaching process. A mentor is required to focus on problem solving and empowering other people by assigning duties. They were of the opinion that transformation needs to be adopted to ensure that skills are transferred appropriately. However, to achieve this, understanding of both reformation and transformational processes is

Friday, August 23, 2019

Multilateralism and Regionalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Multilateralism and Regionalism - Essay Example Most of these regional agreements remained within the concept of free trade areas and most of them were based on a multilateralization of bilateral agreements or unions. The mushrooming of initiatives gave birth too many treaties and institutions of economic integration which still exist, but never were a success, because regional areas were conceived as likelier sites for import-substituting industrialization than small national markets. Few of these regional groupings were successful in furthering freer trade or deeper economic integration between partners. In the developing world regional agreements were seen as a means of reducing dependence on economic ties with the capitalist core region. The theory of comparative advantage, certainly, argues that unobstructed exchange between countries will augment the total amount of world output if every country tends to focus in those goods that it can generate at a comparatively lower cost compared to possible trading partners. Every country then will trade several of those lower-cost goods with other nations for goods that can be formed elsewhere more economically than at home. In the end, with free trade amongst nations, all countries will discover that their consumption potential recline outside their domestic production potential. Comparative advantage and its expansions from a theoretical perspective have not resulted in any considerable weakening of the general strength of this body of theory nor of its consequence, a free trade system. The rationale for free trade is thus quite old. Building his case on the gains from trade to be had from specialization reflecting the division of labor, Smith had the essence of the argument right. But it was left to David Ricardo (building on James Mill) to clinch the case formally. Ricardo used a stripped-down model- only one factor of production with constant productivity of labor in two goods, but with relative productivity between the goods different across two countries-to show that both countries could gain from trade via specialization. The Ricardian analysis implied that this "technical possibility" of gaining from trade would be realized if a policy of free trade were adopted in an institutional setting where prices guided resource allocation. But the analytically satisfactory proofs of trade's benefits that we modern economists demand are the handiwork of theorists working in the twentieth century. David Ricardo armed advocate of free trade with the theorem of comparative advantage. His basic assumption was that every economic value was created by labor (the labor theory of value) and a belief that the three basic factors of production (land, labor, and capital) could not move across national boundaries. Ricardo and other economists, however, were interested in learning what law governs the distribution of national income among the factors production, and what the determinants of international trade patterns are. Heckscher - Ohlin approach The classical Ricardo assumed, literally or in effect, a single factor of production. Obviously, that assumption precluded considerations such as the consequences of varying input proportions and of changes in trade on the distribution

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Literacy in India Essay Example for Free

Literacy in India Essay In today’s perspective, literacy does not mean about the writing and reading capabilities only. It has gained a broader meaning. It claims to guide people towards awareness and the change which is needed in order to achieve a better way of living. The National Literacy Mission was set up by Govt. of India on May 5th, 1988 with the aim to eradicate illiteracy from the country. The targeted group for the same was people belonging to the age group of 15 to 35 years. The literacy rate of India has been recorded 64. 84% (2001 census) against 52. 21% in 1991. It has been increased by more than 12% in a decade. Also, the literacy rate is supposed to be around 70-72% by the end of 2010 (As estimated by National Sample Survey). But the goal is yet to be achieved completely (i. e. to obtain 100% literacy). Right to education is one of the fundamental rights for the people. Education for all is the mission of UNESCO that has to be achieved by 2015. Currently, India falls below the threshold level of literacy rate i. e. 75%. The National Literacy Mission Authority has been working to achieve its goal since its establishment. NLMA (National Literacy Mission Authority) works under the ministry of Human Resource Development. The Govt. of India has launched several schemes to achieve the goals of NLM. The initial target for NLM was to focus on the people belonging to the age group of 15 to 25 years. There were 80 million people falling under this age group. It was a big challenge to address such a huge lot of people about literacy and its benefits. In a way, it was quite different from all technology based or economic missions. It was conceived as a social mission by all and that helped NLM to achieve the success. The other significant factor was the political will of leaders at different levels at that time. The politicians and bureaucrats understood the importance of this mission and it has gained a whole hearted success in several states viz. Kerala, Tamilnadu, Rajasthan, Manipur etc. The idea was to convince people about their active participation, mobilization of social forces. Soon it became a national consensus. Thanks to the advertisements, sensitization of local leaders and people’s participation. Given below are some of the pioneers of success for National Literacy Mission: Literacy campaigns have been launched in almost 600 districts of India. The sanctioned products are supposed to cover 150 millions of neo-literates. 125 million people have already been made literate under this mission. Female participation (60%) is better than the male participation (40%). No. of volunteers have been increased significantly to promote the programme and help the community. One of the biggest characteristic of literacy mission was to stimulate the entire community for putting the faith that learning literacy should become the integral part of their lives. The method of operation has been to build and develop on environment which is helpful to learn by the communities through their traditions culture.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Moral Frameworks of Terrorists

Moral Frameworks of Terrorists This paper discusses, with reference to two examples, whether terrorists can appeal to a consistent moral framework. Terrorism can be, and indeed, most usually is defined in the literature, as a strategy of violence that is designed to promote a desired outcome through instilling fear in the public at large. There are, however, disagreements amongst many academics, from political science, law and human rights analysts, as to the definition of terrorism that should be used in practice, as some academics argue that the motives that fuel some terrorists are politically valid. The definition of terrorism currently in use by the UN is, â€Å"any act†¦intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organisation to do, or abstain from doing, any act.† (Annan, 2005). Regardless of the particular definition of terrorism that is employed, terrorist acts are generally defined through their violence, the psychological impact of the act, the political goal of the act and the fact that they are usually perpetrated against civilians, or non-combatants. Obviously, as a result of these factors, terrorism is regarded, everywhere, as unlawful and an illegitimate means of achieving the ends that are sought, but as the famous saying goes, â€Å"one man’s terrorism is another man’s freedom fighter†. Recent events have brought this to the fore, with the war in Afghanistan bringing back many memories for the United States government, who supported the Afghan Mujahideen as ‘freedom fighters’ during the United States war with the Soviet Union, but recently, the United States government branding breakaway Afghan groups as terrorists, and launching a war in Afghanistan to stop them in their terrorist acts. Nelson Mandela, ex-Preside nt of South Africa, and Nobel Laureate, was once branded a terrorist and was imprisoned for decades for his terrorist acts; a definition for terrorism, and the word terrorist thus seems to be flexible, depending on the political context and the aims that are trying to be achieved by the people supporting the country in which the terrorist is present. What is certain, however, is that the people committing the stated acts of terrorism wholly believe in what they are fighting to achieve, and, as such, construct some sort of moral framework to justify their actions and their beliefs. This paper is interested in how and why these frameworks are constructed and whether terrorists can ever appeal to a consistent moral framework for their actions. As Bandura (1990) argues, terrorists are able to morally disengage through many psychological routes, and, as such, it is a societal responsibility to ensure civilised conduct through social systems which uphold compassionate behaviour and which denounce, and renounce, cruelty in any form. As Bandura (1990) argues, moral standards do not function as fixed internal regulators of conduct, but rather, self-regulatory mechanisms do not engage until they are activated, and there are many ways in which these regulatory mechanisms can be disengaged, allowing the emergence of different types of conduct with the same moral standards. Bandura (1990) further argues that political diversity and the toleration of public expressions of scepticism create the conditions that allow the emergence of challenges to suspect moral appeals, such that if societies are to safeguard against the occurrence of terrorism, they must establish social safeguards against the misuse of institutional justificatory pow ers for ends which are exploitative and destructive. As such, Bandura (1990) seems to be arguing that it is the fault of the state, which has not ensured a proper, functioning, framework for the non-appearance of terrorism, which allows terrorism to grow, not that terrorists themselves are at fault. This type of argument does not require an appeal to moral consistency or moral frameworks on the part of the terrorist, but rather argues that terrorists are a product of a dysfunctional society, which is responsible for the appearance of terrorists. Further to this, Atram (2006) concludes that suicide terrorism cannot be explained by a single political root cause, such as the presence of foreign military forces or the absence of democracy, as other factors such as psychological motivations, or religious inspirations can also contribute to the desire to undertake terrorist acts. As Atram (2006) argues, any simplistic accounts of terrorism, why it happens and what leads people to become terrorists, are bound to failure as terrorists have underlying moral values and group dynamics which are complex themselves and also intertwined in a complex manner. Only when these root causes are fully understood by decision-makers will organisational and ideological solutions that could defuse the threat of terrorism be found (Atram, 2006). As such, as Atram (2006) argues, terrorists have a consistent moral framework within which they work, allowing them to unilaterally act, in concert, to achieve their ends. There have been many terrorist acts in recent history, including the Munich massacre in 1972, during the Olympic Games, bombing of flights including Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, gas attacks in Tokyo, bombing campaigns in Ireland by the IRA, the 9/11 attacks on the United States and, following this, the Bali bombings, the London and Madrid bombings. Terrorism is a tactic that has been used for a long time to achieve political ends, but it has recently come to the fore through the massive loss of life in the 9/11 bombings, and the subsequent wars, as this was an attack against the currently most powerful nation on Earth, on home soil, killing thousands of innocents. Terrorism, as a political tool, has therefore come to be used almost as a daily term, in the media, by academics, in family homes, and, indeed, the populace is scared, perhaps by hyper coverage of terrorism in the media, perhaps by the attacks themselves, but, for whatever reason, the populace is scared, and so the ter rorists are winning, under the definitions of terrorism which have been discussed herein. The current paper will discuss two examples of terrorist groups in order to assess the moral framework to which they adhere, to assess whether this framework is consistent, and, if, indeed, it can ever be argued that terrorists can appeal to a consistent moral framework. Colombia has been involved in what is termed an ‘armed struggle’ for the past four decades, since the death of Gaitan in the 1960s, when the FARC and the ELN were founded, ironically, as a call to stop La Violencia which had begun following Gaitan’s death. At this time, these two guerrilla groups campaigned for peace, for free elections and for the return of a leftist government. The FARC and the ELN have, however, in recent decades, become embroiled in the drugs trade, gaining money through the drugs trade in order to fund their ‘war’ on the Colombian government, and their fight for peace in Colombia. In response to this, it is known that the current administration funded paramilitary groups to fight against the guerrillas[1], although the paramilitary groups have themselves become embroiled in the drugs trade and are known to have committed acts of terrorism against civilians and non-combatants, such that there is now a war between the guerrillas an d the paramilitaries. Thus, the situation in Colombia is extremely complex. FARC and ELN guerrillas began with the stated aim of returning Colombia to peace, through the instigation of free elections, seeking a solid political end to La Violencia. Their moral framework was just that: a moral framework through which they were seeking to return Colombia to some semblance of normality. However, as we have seen, and because it is so easy, in a country where it is so difficult to earn a living any other way, the guerrilla groups became embroiled in the drugs trade, and, as such, their moral framework for committing terrorist acts has changed, and indeed, the way in which they commit their terrorist acts has changed, with IRA terrorists training the guerrillas in bombing tactics, and these being used on Colombian military targets, unfortunately to great effect, with the concomitant loss of many lives. Thus, the Colombian case is extremely complex, with guerrilla groups starting out with mainly political aims, b ut with these same groups now largely fighting to retain control of their share of the drugs trade, causing armed combat between members of these guerrilla groups and government-backed paramilitaries whenever they come in to contact. Thus, the FARC and the ELN, although they started out as political terrorists are now seen as groups which use their skills to dominate the drugs trade, through the taking of national territory and the submission of hundreds of thousands of farmers in the regions in which they hold territory. The moral framework that these terrorist groups adhere to has, therefore, firstly, radically changed over the period of activity, and has taken a far less ‘helpful’ turn, in terms of terrorising a whole country and causing problems for Colombia in terms of international relations, economic development and human rights issues. The FARC and ELN, if they adhere to any framework at all, for their actions, certainly cannot argue that this framework is in any way moral and it certainly has not been consistent. As such, for these groups of terrorists, who literally hold a country to ransom, there can be no argument of a consistent moral framework that is in place, and there can be no argum ent for the existence of any consistent moral framework for the human rights abuses they cause and the economic and political havoc they create for Colombia. The next terrorist group we shall look at is the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) of Peru, which was formed as a political guerrilla group, in response to Peru’s military dictatorship, with the stated aim of achieving free elections within Peru and placing a communist party in control of Peru, through the Pensamiento Gonzalo ideology (named after the thinking of Guzman, the Shining Path’s leader). The Shining Path took to violent means as a way of achieving its stated aims, and, indeed, is known to be responsible for some of the worst massacres in Peruvian history, with Peru’s human rights record being atrocious, on account of the atrocities committed by the Shining Path. The Shining Path seized control of large areas of Peru, but their communist ideas were never popular with the Peruvian populace, and so their guerrilla war began to lose support and its base began to falter. The Shining Path support fell dramatically following Guzman’s capture in 1992, and the capture of his successor several years later, with its successor movement, Proseguir, having very few supporters and arguing mainly for the release of former Shining Path members. In terms of the moral framework of the Shining Path, their aims were very clear and political in scope, although the situation was complicated as Fujimori, the Peruvian Prime Minister at the time, branded anyone who spoke against the government a terrorist (see Burt, 2006). Even though the Shining Path were obviously terrorists who, it has been proven, were responsible for many civilian deaths, the Shining Path had a consistent moral framework to which they subscribed and which dictated their actions: the installation of communism within Peru. This framework was the reason for the establishment of the group, and was consistent across the time during which the Shining Path was active within Peru. Thus, in this guerrilla group, unlike in the guerrilla groups active in Colombia, the moral framework for the Shining Path’s actions was very clear and fixed, and consistent across the history of the Shining Path. We have therefore discussed two cases, of three guerrilla groups, two in Colombia, one in Peru, two of which (the FARC and the ELN) have evolved in their ideology and moral framework as they moved through time, and one of which (the Shining Path) had a consistent moral framework in place for their actions, which informed, supported and dictated their actions in terms of achieving their stated aims (i.e., the installation of communism within Peru). Thus, terrorists, and terrorist groups, as we have seen in the case of the FARC and ELN, can evolve and change, in terms of their aims and their objectives, and the means used to achieve these aims. As such, their moral frameworks also change and move with the new orientation. Under this analysis, it is implicit that terrorists have a moral conscience, that although this moral conscience allows them to commit acts that are considered terrorist acts by society, they do have a moral conscience, and one that can be called upon to support their objectives and their aims, and which can be used as a way of justifying any terrorist acts that they commit. As we have seen, as Atram (2006) concludes, the emergence of terrorism cannot be explained by a single political root cause, such as the presence of foreign military forces or the absence of democracy, as other factors such as psychological motivations, or religious inspirations can also contribute to the desire to undertake terrorist acts. As Atram (2006) argues, any simplistic accounts of terrorism, why it happens and what leads people to become terrorists, are bound to failure as terrorists have underlying moral values and group dynamics which are complex themselves and also intertwined in a complex manner. On ly when these root causes are fully understood by decision-makers will organisational and ideological solutions that could defuse the threat of terrorism be found (Atram, 2006). As such, as Atram (2006) argues, terrorists have a consistent moral framework within which they work, allowing them to unilaterally act, in concert, to achieve their ends. Thus, the FARC and the ELN, and the Shining Path, although, as we have seen, they have, and continue to, commit terrorist acts, they can call upon a moral framework for these acts, in terms of having justifiable reasons for their objectives and aims, and the way in which these objectives are achieved, such that these acts are perpetuated under what they consider to be a moral framework. That the rest of society does not see this framework as moral, under normal societal definitions of moral, is beyond them, beyond their understanding for, as Bandura (1990) argues, moral standards do not function as fixed internal regulators of conduct, but rather, self-regulatory mechanisms do not engage until they are activated, and there are many ways in which these regulatory mechanisms can be disengaged, allowing the emergence of different types of conduct with the same moral standards. This paper has discussed the issue of whether terrorists can appeal to a consistent moral framework. As we have seen, there are many definitions of terrorism in use in the literature, as there are disagreements as to the definition of terrorism[2], as some academics argue that the motives that fuel some terrorists are politically valid. Indeed, ‘terrorist’ and ‘terrorism’ seem to have been, and be, somewhat flexible terms, depending on the political affiliation of the terrorist/terrorist act; many people would call the acts committed by the Israeli’s against the Palestinians, for example, terrorist acts, but these seem to be supported by the United States government, as Israel is currently one of the highest recipients of United States foreign aid. Similarly, as we have seen, Nelson Mandela, ex-President of South Africa, and Nobel Laureate, was once branded a terrorist and was imprisoned for decades for his terrorist acts; a definition for terrorism, and the word terrorist thus seems to be flexible, depending on the political context and the aims that are trying to be achieved by the people supporting the country in which the terrorist is present. Although the word ‘terrorist’ and the term ‘terrorism’ are open to interpretation, by politicians, and under international law, as we have seen[3], terrorists do subscribe to what they consider to be a moral framework for their objectives, and to support their acts to achieve these objectives. As we have seen from the two examples used here, these moral frameworks can stay static throughout the history of the terrorist group (as with the Shining Path) or can change over time in response to external factors or political events (as with the FARC and the ELN). Thus, the issue of whether terrorists can appeal to a consistent moral framework, I will argue, is valid: indeed, although this framework may be seen as amoral by the rest of society, the terrorist defines their objectives as moral, under a moral framework, which for them is consistent in terms of leading to desired objectives. Whether this framework is consistent across time is a matter for discussion, f or, as we have seen, some terrorist groups find their objectives changing with shifting external circumstances, and, as such, their framework, whilst remaining internally morally consistent, in terms of the objectives, is not externally consistent over time. As Atram (2006) argues, terrorists have a consistent moral framework within which they work, allowing them to unilaterally act, in concert, to achieve their ends: it is this framework which allows them to function, as a unit, in order to achieve their aims and objectives. References Annan, K., 2005. Larger Freedom. Speech given to the United Nations at the Security Council Meeting on 17th March 2005. Atram, S., 2006. The moral logic and growth of suicide terrorism. The Washington Quarterly 29(2), pp.127-147. Bandura, A., 1990. Mechanisms of moral disengagement. In Reich, W. (ed.), Origins of terrorism: psychologies, ideologies, theologies, states of mind (pp.161-191). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Burt, J-M., 2006. Quien habla es terrorista: the political use of fear in Fujimori’s Peru. Latin American Research Review 41(3), pp.32-62. Saul, B., 2006. Two justifications for terrorism: a moral legal response. Foreign Policy in Focus, FPIF Policy Report. January 10th 2006. Available from Accessed on 30th April 2007. 1 Footnotes [1] As part of their efforts to secure, and retain, money from the United States, through their War on Drugs programme. [2] Although, as we have seen, the definition of terrorism currently in use by the UN is, â€Å"any act†¦intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organisation to do, or abstain from doing, any act.† (Annan, 2005). This definition is also used by the International Criminal Court, and by most human rights lawyers who are involved in prosecuting terrorist acts. [3] with, as we have seen, for example, the war in Afghanistan bringing back many memories for the United States government, who supported the Afghan Mujahideen as ‘freedom fighters’ during the United States war with the Soviet Union, but recently, the United States government branding breakaway Afghan groups as terrorists, and launching a war in Afghanistan to stop them in their terrorist acts.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Project Management for Business Charity Race

Project Management for Business Charity Race 1. Introduction In this individual project management assignment, I have been appointed a project manager in charge of organizing and planning a project for StarHub company. StarHub company is going to have a fund raising event for a charity organization in Singapore by organizing a half marathon race of 13.1 miles distance (about 21 km). This is to raise money for the nursing home in Singapore and as well as to improve the health concern of their employees. Maintaining employee fitness for the job they do is one of the important functions of an occupational health services. A healthy employee and fund raising for nursing home will help to improve StarHub image to their customers and the employee health should be a matter of concern from the time before an employee starts work with the organization up until the employee leaves or retires. This event also open to public and will attract total of 2000 people to take part of this found raising event. 2. Project scope statement The purpose of the project scope statement is to document the project objectives, deliverables, and the work required to produce the deliverables so that it can be used to direct the project team’s work and a basis for future project decisions. 2.1 Project objective The objective must be clearly defined and agreed upon by the customer and the organization or contractor that will perform the project. To prepare StarHub employees for the half marathon run on June 22, 2014, starting on April 20th, 2014. To raise money by collecting either $200, $300 or $500 dollars in the choice of individual participant for the nursing home in order to help the elderly people a better living and a better care. Range goals: All participants must complete the training within 2 months and complete the actual run within 2 hour 30 minutes. 2.2 Deliverables It is Project management stage or final deliverable. It is to complete a process, phase or project must be delivered any unique, verifiable results or the ability to provide services. Running participants body mass index of 22. Running participants resting heart rate of 60. To complete the configuration of sports drinks. The completion of the number of people to plan and work. To complete the configuration registration. 2.3 Milestones Milestones are useful tools for setting schedule goals and monitoring progress, and project sponsors and senior managers often focus on major milestones when reviewing projects. Pass physical test Run 3 miles April 27, 2014 Run 6 miles May 11, 2014 Run 9 miles May 25, 2014 Finish practice half marathon under two and the half hours June 8, 2014 2.4 Technical requirements Technical requirements follow functional requirements. After clearly defining functional requirements for your event, you and your team can develop the related technical requirements to ensure proper performance. Check if you have your essential race items with you. Must have 7 hours of sleep and hydrate yourself. Running gear. Must not cause injury to participant. Must have the safety assistants to guard the participants in the run. The result will be released on the official website within 24 hours of the race cut-off time. 2.5 Limits and exclusions The limits and exclusions should be well defined. Failure can lead to false expectation and to expending resources and time on the wrong problem. Training limited to Friday and Saturday. Do not bring any valuable items that you do not need in the event. Arrive at least half an hour ahead of your flag-off time for warm up. All sports drinks only in accordance with the list on the list, there is no special drinks or alcohol drinks. Participants who are feeling unwell in either practice or the actual day in the event are not allow to participate in the run. 3. Establish project priorities Constrain A parameter is a fixed requirement. Enhance Optimizing a parameter over others. Accept Reducing (or not meeting) a parameter requirement. Based on the case facts, we can identify the above priority matrix. The above priority matrix states that the time is an enhance, performance should be constrain and cost should be accepted as it is. The priority matrix helps the project managers in the decision making at any stage of the project. The justification of the assignment of the above priority is given in below. It is clearly given in the case that the prime objective or goal of the project is raise as much money for the charity. A success of the event will be a proudest thing for the StarHub company as the event displays the image of the StarHub and the contribution to elderly people. So, it is very important to concentrate on the performance and design the event to attract more people to participate in the run and donation to the charity. So, in the priority matrix, performance is given the priority as it should be constrained. The preparation of the run should complete before the actual event starts. The project must meet the completion date, specifications and scope of the project. The actual run is starting after two months from April 2014. So, time is a enchaned means adding value to the project due to the unexpected situation. The last dimension for the decision making is the cost of the project. The cost of the project should be accepted whatever it comes as the benefits to the nursi ng home and the image of the company is much higher than the cost of the project. These benefits can only be achieved by high performance and more StarHub employees take part in this event and completion of the project on time. 4. Create the work Breakdown Structure A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a scope management document used to decompose project scope components into smaller, more manageable or work packages. The WBS helps identify the major deliverables of the project. In this work breakdown structure, there are seven major deliverables: Speaker Speakers are important to motivate and energize the group of participants in a run long journey. A good speaker will pause whilst the distraction exists and will motivate the runners and keep the atmosphere of the event more exciting. Venue Venue preparation is important in the run. First, identify what the project team require in terms of the venue, which will vary depending on the running event. The event is located outside, running routes around to find the best safety and range of facilities (toilets or water points for runners) in your local area. Sports Drinks Sports drinks is important in the event. In the form of a sports drink, it can help to maintain performance during a distance run. Gatorade sports drink is so nice that it can prevent dehydration in the run and the Vitamin water can keeps up runners metabolism and makes them have more energy to run a lot faster. Registration The registration process is important because without it you could be employing or providing a service to someone who does not meet your bespoke criteria. The registration will help to check the health of the participants and use the information to estimate how much money they can collect for charity and how many drinks they need to provide. Safety Safety planning is important in the run. It is to make sure the participants are fit enough to take part in the event and to guard their safety throughout the events by planting safety sign boards to alert them danger area. Value Value is important in this event, such an estimation of the total numbers of trash bags, dustbins and bag of ice in the event in order to prevent wastage of resources. Gift them a finisher t-shirts to congrats them after their run. Team Team is important to know their role in the event in order to run the event smoothly and safely. Leaders need to make sure that executive team members know what the leader expects from the team. Such as cleaner, to clean up the mess after the event ended, keep the area clean. 5. Estimation of project costs S/N Task/Work Packages Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost 1 PA speakers 6 $200 $1,200 2 Microphone 5 $50 $250 3 Queenstown Stadium 1 $1000 $1,000 4 East Coast park 1 $2000 $2,000 5 F1 Pit Building 1 $4000 $4,000 6 Gatorade 1000 $2 $2,000 7 100PLUS 2000 $0.50 $1,000 8 Vitamin Water 1500 $1 $1,500 9 B-Tag system 1 $1000 $1,000 10 Register applicants form 2000 $0.50 $1,000 11 Runner B-tag 2000 $2 $4,000 12 Safety signboard 5 $100 $500 13 Direction arrow 20 $20 $400 14 Water-points 6 $300 $1,800 15 Finisher t-shirt 2000 $10 $2,000 16 Shuttle bus 20 $100 $2,000 17 Trash bags and dustbins 30 $20 $600 18 Safety officers 10 $200 $2,000 19 Photographer 4 $150 $600 20 Cleaner 30 $70 $2,100 Grand Total $29,950 8.0 Project Risk Management Step1: Risk Identification There is a technology risk in the event. No technology can spec the health of runners and to check whether they are ready for the race or has being hydrated before the race. Technology could not check the number hours of sleep in each participants and could not force them to do warm up before the run. Participants has to be honest and take responsibility on their own health and safety. There is also management risk in the event because every runner have their own habit of running. It is hard to manage every runners to know how to alternate muscle tension and relaxation for maximum economy of movement. They run in an upright position, their eyes focused ahead; their shoulders are relaxed and their arms move parallel to the body to make breathing and leg motion easier in order to complete the run. Step 2: Risk Assessment Thus, we see that risk assessment can be broadly defined as the methodology that predicts the nominal likelihood of numerous unwanted events. Serious risk to people can run a gamut of mad-made and natural causes. Man-made causes include car accident on the event or heavy rain which affect the emotion of the runner and have to postpone to other day. This may affect the arrangement of the management team and participants. Step 3: Risk Response Development Every participants must take part in training session covers a distance that is greater the distance you will have to cover for the sport in the actual run. Over-distance training gives you confidence because you know you have the ability to cover more than the distance required. It puts the emphasis on the heart and lungs rather than the muscles, but if would also be beneficial if your effort came from large groupings of muscle rather than a few individual muscles. Providing it is undertaken at an easy pace, over-distance training carries a low risk of injury because participants will get use to the run and understand the important safety of the run such as warm up and hydrate yourself. 9.0 Project Performance measurement Evaluation Project progress and performance analysis based on ‘earned value’ concepts integrate cost and schedule on a structured and personalized basis. With earned value analysis there are three elements of data required to analysis performance, which are: Budgeted cost scheduled up to the time of measurement. Actual cost at the time of measurement. Corresponding earned value. The total earned value of the work completed at the time of measurement is then based on the budgeted value of all these completed segments of work, plus an estimate to allow for active work in progress. 10.0 Project closure Wrap-up Closure Checklist Project frame work Project Title A fund raising for charity organization Project Description StarHub company is going to have a fund raising event for a charity organization. This is to raise money for the nursing home in Singapore and as well as to improve the health concern of their employees. Maintaining employee fitness for the job they do is one of the important functions of an occupational health services. A healthy employee and fund raising for nursing home will help to improve StarHub image to their customers. This event also open to public and will attract total of 2000 people. Begin date: 20/04/2014 End Date: 22/06/2014 Project objective To prepare participants fit enough to run. To raise money for the nursing home. All participants must complete the actual run within 2 hour 30 minutes. Deliverables Running participants body mass index of 22. Running participants resting heart rate of 60. To complete the configuration of sports drinks. The completion of the number of people to plan and work .To complete the configuration registration. Milestones Pass physical test Run 3 miles April 27, 2014 Run 6 miles May 11, 2014 Run 9 miles May 25, 2014 Finish practice half marathon under two and the half hours June 8, 2014 Limits and exclusions Training limited to Friday and Saturday. Do not bring any valuable items. Arrive at least half an hour earlier. No special drinks or alcohol drinks. Participants not feeling well are not allow to participate in the run. Risk Identification No technology can spec the health of runners. Management risk in the event. Main Risk Heavy rain Bad weather Accidents Risk Response Development Every participants must take part in training session. Over-distance training Important safety of the run Hydrating on the run Cost Estimation $29,950 Total fund raising estimation $600,000 Important to take note Complete opportunity assessment Complete environment assessment These benefits can only be achieved by high performance and completion of the project on time.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Freedom for Women in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gillman

Freedom for Women in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gillman and The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin 'The Yellow Wallpaper' by Charlotte Perkins Gillman and 'The Story of an Hour' by Kate Chopin are two feminist works in which liberation is the overlying theme. Both of the main characters achieve freedom from their husbands' oppression in these short stories; however, freedom is only achieved through insanity in 'The Yellow Wallpaper' and death in 'The Story of an Hour.' The women in these stories are viewed as very powerful, as they do whatever it takes to free themselves from the oppressive holds of their husbands. Their strength proves these two short stories very influential works of feminism. Oppression is chief in the achievement of liberation in both short stories. Both of the narrators are oppressed by their husbands, and though they want to be happy, it is impossible due to the way they are treated by their spouses. In ?The Yellow Wallpaper,? John, the nameless narrator?s husband, confines his wife to a room with barred windows and hideous yellow wallpaper because she is ill. He does not allow her to exert herself physically or mentally, prevents her from seeing her friends and family and keeps her under intense scrutiny. While isolated in this room, she begins to go mad, believing that the wallpaper is somehow watching her, and eventually she believes she is a prisoner inside it. The narrator proves that her husband is oppressive when she reveals how afraid she is of him. She says, ?There comes John, and I must put this away?he hates to have me write a word? (Gillman 41). Likewise, in Kate Chopin?s ?The Story of an Hour? it is perceived that the main character Louise Mallard is oppre... ...reedom proves to be the overlying theme in ?The Story of an Hour? and death is the way in which freedom is achieved in the short story. ?The Yellow Wallpaper? and ?The Story of an Hour? are two feminist works that highlight the importance of freedom for women in the oppressive world of men. Freedom is not achieved normally in either of the short stories, but is gained through insanity and death. These two stories prove that women?s liberation is an extremely important issue, and the means by which these women gained their freedom is remarkable. Works Cited Chopin, Kate. The Story of an Hour. (1894). 31 Apr. 2003.> Gillman, Charlotte Perkins. ?The Yellow Wallpaper.? The Yellow Wallpaper and Selected Stories of Charlotte Perkins Gillman. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1994. PID 0230

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

I'm sure everyone here has seen a picture of a mother duck leading her ducklings. Imagine the mother duck taking her ducklings up some stairs. The mother duck easily climbs the first stair and waits for the other little ducks to climb up. The first duckling stretches its wings as high up in the air as it can and stands on the tips of its little webbed feet. With a little help from its beak it manages to barely make the first step. Sometimes it requires a little help from mama duck to boost itself up. Despite the cute and rather funny part of this picture, it is possible to learn a lot from the ducks. The two ideas we can gain from them are leadership and following. In life each one of us is a leader and a follower at some point. Leadership is of key importance to the Christian, and also simply to every person. It is easy to imagine the kind of world that would ensue as a result of no leadership. There would be utter chaos and nothing positive would get done. Often we think of leaders as people with great authority such as the President of the United States, bosses of major corporations, and in the case of school, the principal and teachers. But the fact that does not readily present itself to us is that each one of us in some way or another is a leader. Everyone leads at some point in their life whether they realize it or not. Younger generations always look up to and follow older generations. Although they may not admit it, I am sure the underclassmen at our school have followed the lead and example of the Class of 2006. This is an awesome task to undertake: that of leadership. It is important to constantly remind yourself that someone is watching and following your lead. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11:1, "Follow my examp... ...e tool in dealing with the problems that life throws our way. As a follower we must choose wisely who we associate with. A close group of friends can provide many things that help us along life's path in the Christian walk. Good Friends can provide support through tough times, accountability, and good fellowship. Leadership and following are not generally thought of as interconnected, though each one of us is both a leader and a follower. As a leader we must be a good example and a servant. As a follower we must choose wisely who to look up to and associate with and ultimately we must follow the perfect lead of Jesus Christ. I encourage everyone here, and especially the graduating class of 2006, to remember you are a leader, leading others to know Christ and His perfect plan for them, and a follower, learning to follow Christ and His perfect plan for ourselves.

Art :: essays research papers

. You are capturing your impressions of a scene before you. In art, you are able to make something beautiful out of the ordinary. There is a relationship between artists and the world around them. The world is constantly changing but art will forever remain the same. The works in progress Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon means â€Å"the young ladies of Avigon.† It was painted by Pablo Picasso in 1907. The early sketch reveals that it originally had seven figures, five prostitutes, a sailor, and a medical student carrying a book. The crouching figure is complex in Study for the crouching Demoiselle. An earlier drawing reveals that what would become her hand is originally her arm and Her eyes were originally her breasts. Her mouth was originally her bellybutton.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the critical process the photograph is not a still life because the flower is wilting in the painting. That is not plaesureable. Still life is designed to induce in the spectator a higher order of thought. The vanitas tradition requires a skull in the painting. The lighting is dark. The background is almost as dark as the vase. They almost blend together. Figure 39 is one of the great examples of Impressionism, a mode of painting that dominated let nineteenth-century art in the Western world, especially in France. Claude Monet’s The Regatta at Argenteuil is representing every detail of a scene exactly as it appears. Monet’s purpose is to question the nature of representation itself. The picture is a representation. It is not very life-like. I think it is very sketchy. There are broad dashes of paint. I feel that he is expressing his pint of view to nature in his art work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The tension and conflict between the uncontrollable forces of nature and the civilizing powers of human society dominated American art and literature in the nineteenth century. Thomas Cole painted this theme in a series of five paintings called The Course of Empire. The painting represents according to Cole, â€Å"the history of a natural Scene, as well as an Epitome of man; showing the natural changes of landscape and those effected by man in his progress from Barbarism to Civilation-to the state of luxury-to the vicious state or state of Destruction, etc.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Photo Manipulation Essay

Image manipulation is everywhere on are daily life. It is a type of digital art. It is a unique way to describe editing photos and adding filters and special effects to photographs in order to make an illusion or define through digital means. Photo manipulation has been commonly used to deceive or convince viewers. It can be simply a photo which colors have been converted, or a photo that has been painted over, usually they use photoshop, but there are other softwares what can we use for manipulating images, image manipulation is an art as well. Photo manipulation is done for a number of purposes. More infamously, it is for political or sensational purposes. However, photo manipulation is also an art form in its own right (www. brightclub. com). The photographs have been manipulated in darkrooms for decade. Before computers, photo manipulation was achieved by retouching with ink, paint, double exposure, piecing photos or negatives together in the darkroom, or scratching Polaroids. Airbrushes were also used, whence the term â€Å"airbrushing† for manipulation. The first recorded case of photo manipulation was in the early 1860s, when a photo of Abraham was altered using the body from a portrait of John C. Calhoun. The 1980s saw the advent of digital retouching with Quantel computers running Paintbox, and Scitex imaging workstations being used professionally Silicon Graphics computers running Barco Creator became available in the late 1980s which, alongside other contemporary packages, were effectively replaced in the market by Adobe Photoshop (wikipedia).

Friday, August 16, 2019

Career Satisfaction

Human beings possess the unique psychological ability to self-reflect. Few human experiences and behaviors define the self and allow us to characterize ourselves within the social world more than work and career. Career choice affects socioeconomic status, friends, political values, residence location, childcare, Job stress, and many other aspects of life. And while income is important in both career selection and career longevity, so are achievement, recognition, satisfaction, security, and challenge. A person has a choice in calling work a Job or a career.This decision usually accounts for factors such as time and interest the person puts into the work. In most cases, the work will be considered a Job when the person has Just begun working, or the person has no interest in the work and only works for the pay. Generally, the term career will be used when a person expresses interest and seeks out a specific type of work, or has spent a considerable amount of time working in that area . A Job may be Just something a person does to pay bills, where as a career is something a person chooses, prepares for, and incorporates into life and self- concept.I work as a mechanical engineer in the United States Navy. I showed interest in this line of work, sought it out, and have been working in the same area for thirteen years. By definition, my work is a career; therefore, I have been calling It as such. I plan to continue working in my career choice, advancing within the Navy's ranks and ultimately retiring. After the Navy, I Intend to start another career In the civilian sector. I haven't chosen whether I will continue In the engineering field or pursue something completely different.A lot can change In the years to come before tiring from the Navy, so I am keeping my options open by bettering my r ©sum © every chance I get. I chose this career for three reasons: service, stability, and structure. When I Joined the Navy, I wanted to serve my country. I felt honor In being a part of something bigger than myself. Serving In the military Is satisfying enough for me; however, I have a wife and kids. My choice to continue to serve In the Navy Is based on how my career affects my family. I place high Importance on stability and structure.The Navy can be a very stable career If a person possesses the right abilities and wants It to be. From the beginning of my enlistment, I wanted to make a career In the Navy and have worked to the best of my ablest. Because of this, I believe my career Is very stable and I have since served thirteen years. The structure within the Navy Is well defined. Promotion guldens are made available and clear, so I know exactly what I should do In order to get advanced. Being a part of something for the greater good, having stability, and structure provide for an overall career satisfaction.Work Is obviously a necessity In order to support a family. If I have to work, I may as well enjoy what I do. I have luckily been able to c ontinue a career In the area I take pleasure and excel In. My personality traits fit the work that I do, and I have Identified the traits I would Like to Improve on In order to continually develop my career. I am satisfied with what I have chosen. I am looking forward to the changes that will soon come as I progress In work and life. Career Satisfaction By red rocketed concept. I work as a mechanical engineer in the United States Navy.I showed thirteen years. By definition, my work is a career; therefore, I have been calling it as such. I plan to continue working in my career choice, advancing within the Navy's ranks and ultimately retiring. After the Navy, I intend to start another career in the civilian sector. I haven't chosen whether I will continue in the engineering field or pursue something completely different. A lot can change in the years to come before retiring from the Navy, so I am keeping my options open by bettering my r ©sum © structure. When I Joined the Navy, I wanted to serve my country.I felt honor in being part of something bigger than myself. Serving in the military is satisfying enough for me; however, I have a wife and kids. My choice to continue to serve in the Navy is based on how my career affects my family. I place high importance on stability and structure. The Navy can be a very stable career if a person possesses the right abilities and wants it to be. From the beginning of my enlistment, I wanted to make a career in the Navy and have worked to the best of my abilities. Because of this, I believe my career is very stable and I have since served thirteen years.The structure within the Navy is well defined. Promotion guidelines are made available and clear, so I know exactly what I should do in order to get advanced. Being a part of something for the greater good, having stability, and structure provide for an overall career satisfaction. Work is obviously a necessity in order to support a family. If I career in the area I take pleasure and excel in. My personality traits fit the work that I do, and I have identified the traits I would like to improve on in order to continually the changes that will soon come as I progress in work and life.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Managing High Performance Work Teams

Relationship to ManagementIn order to facilitate optimal efficiency in an organization, there are a lot of factors to consider first like the financial stability, economic and market stability, and internal stability. As for the scope of this paper, all of the discussion will give emphasis on the role of internal stability on the success of an organization.  Internal stability may originate on how well the key persons of an organization work with respect to one another, like for instance, the organizational structure or the type of managerial strategy that is being implemented by the management.Actually, there are two approaches in managing an organization namely: first, letting the employees to use their creativity in handling various situations concerning the company without the supervision from the top officials; and the existence of a manager to supervise and delegate task to the employees. From the said two management approaches, it is the former which is more efficient and ef fective especially if the employees has enough skills and responsible enough to handle various tasks concerning the entire organization. In this regard, the idea of High Performance Work Teams arises.High Performance Work Team is basically comprises of two or more individuals working together in order to attain specific goals or objectives (Barkman, 1993). Oftentimes, this type of groups works independently without the need of supervision coming from any of the top officials for they have enough skills and talents to almost handle the tasks of a manager. Moreover, this kind of group has the ability to perform at the highest level even for an extended period of time.Most of the organization nowadays uses High Performance Work Team in order to manage an organizational conflict which concerns various department of an organization or just to maintain and develop good working relationship among members. Just like what has been discussed a while ago, High Performance Work Team can almost take the place of a manager since the group can even handle the facilitation of meetings and develop goals and plans. This is how flexible High Performance Work Team is.On the other hand, effective leadership also plays a vital role for the attainment of harmonious working environment and relationship among the members of the organization (Bolen, 2001). Leaders are the one responsible for delegating the task and solicit ideas from its members and collaborating those ideas into a more efficient and effective ideas. It is also the leaders who take the initiative to influence its members to perform their responsibilities and the one responsible for motivating all the members of the organization.Furthermore, one of the qualities that a leader must posses would be the ability to determine long term opportunities in order to provide the organization sustainable development (Clark, 2007). In other words, a leader must visualize the future of the organization and do not just focus on what i s currently at hand in the short run. Short run goals are being handled by a manager but when it comes to visualizing the long term welfare of the organization it is the job of a leader.In this regard, it is clear that a leader and a great manager, may it be an individual or a group of people like High Performance Work Team, plays a vital role on the stability and success of the organization at present and in the near future. This is the reason why they are very important key person in the management team of an organization for they are the one who drives the entire organization towards the attainment of their set goals and objectives.Pioneer Sector/sActually both private and government sector already implements High Performance Work Team; but it is the private sector that pioneered High Performance Work Place General Electric, Kraft Foods and Exelon. In the U.S. alone, High Performance Work Team gain acceptance in the corporate world during the 1980s when Boeing, Digital Equipment Corporation [presently known as HP] among others, adopted the said managerial strategy.With the said implementation of High Performance Work Team to the said identified organization, there exist major changes happened especially in organizational culture and merging of the goals of the organization with the social needs of the individuals. In just a few years after High Performance Work Team was presented to the corporate world, it already reached quantum leap in business result in the entire key success dimension together with the customer, employee, shareholder and operational value added dimensions.On the other hand, there is no exact date when effective leadership was really started entering into the idealism of the corporate world. But one thing is for sure, it is not only in the private sector where effective leadership is being implemented, even in the government sector it is also being widely used.Successful Company through HPWTOne of the possible organizations that successf ully mastered High Performance Work Team will be the Kraft Foods. At present, Kraft Foods leads the industry of branded foods and beverages locally and internationally. With its strategy of exploring the international market during the years wherein the domestic market was already becoming saturated, Kraft Foods was able to boost its profitability and market influence.Moreover, in order to successfully penetrate their target market, Kraft Foods entered merging, buy other food companies in the industry, and make partnership with other food companies from other countries. This market entrance strategy works well so far for the company based on their market position and influence.Because of the diversity caused by the identified market entry strategy of Kraft Foods can hinder the attainment of optimal efficiency and effectiveness of the entire personnel of the company, the Kraft Foods executives resulted to implementing High Performance Work Team which was comprised by representatives from different departments of a given branch of Kraft Foods to resolve diversity conflict and simplify the organizational structure in such a way wherein all of the employees of the company can work in harmony with one another.Diversity related issues and complexity of the organizational structure of Kraft Foods caused inefficiency in executing various operational procedures and strategies of the company as well as the depreciation of the performance of every employee due to their diversity (, 2005) and (Hopkins, 2005). The reason why the members of the High Performance Work Team of Kraft Foods came from the different departments of the company was to be able to have equal representation of voices of various groups of individual working in the company so that at the end of the day, whatever the solution will the High Performance Work Team arrive every welfare and interest was put into consideration.True enough, by the start of 2005, the efficiency and effectiveness o f Kraft Foods improved which can be seen on the profitability level of the company and the fact rate of its expansion in the market which made the company among the top multinational companies around the globe. With the simplification of the organizational structure and solving the diversity related problems of the company through the use of High Performance Work Team, business transaction has been executed faster and the harmonious working relationship among the members of the company provide enough motivation for every employee to perform their task to their full potential.On the other hand, the CEO of Kraft Foods, Irene Rosenfeld, was able to provide the company sustainable growth by the time the domestic market started to become saturated to their product line and visualizes the entry of the company to the international market. In this regard, the effective leadership comes into the picture of Kraft Foods’ success for the past years.Not only this, Rosenfeld was able to sp ot the diversity related issue problem and immediately find a solution to the said organizational conflict which is one of the tasks of a leader for an effective leadership of its members. With the existence of Rosenfeld to Kraft Foods, there is no doubt that the company successfully implemented not only High Performance Work Team but also the Effective Leadership.ReferencesBolen, M. (2001). Effective Leadership. Retrieved March 18, 2008, from$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex1334Clark, D. (2007). Concepts of Leadership. Retrieved March 18, 2008, from (2005). Kraft Foods Announces Additional Simplification Initiatives. Retrieved March 18, 2008, from

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Pregnancy and Decisions Women

Most people think differently, but there are plenty of reasons as to why it should be legal. Women should be able to get an abortion because they have their own choice of keeping their baby or not. What if a woman were to get raped? If abortion is made illegal, women would go back to the clothes hanger method and many women would die. If I were to have a baby at my age right now, would choose to get an abortion.In my culture, parents are all about studying and becoming successful. If I got pregnant and had a baby, my whole future would be ruined. Having a baby at a young age could ruin so many things such as school and work. I wouldn't be able to get a job/career due to the fact that I'm going to have to carry a newborn around. Would not be able to attend school because once again, have to take care of a newborn baby. In my culture, we are all about having our studies as our first priority. My parents wouldn't even let me have a boyfriend during my early years of high school.Imagine how hey would feel if I would have gotten pregnant. In my culture, we believe that if you have enough reason to get an abortion, then you should get one. My mother got an abortion before she had me. This was around the time when my grandpa got diagnosed with cancer, so it was a rough time for her. She also recently gave birth to my older sister, and she just wasn't ready to have another baby at that time. Two of my cousins also got abortions when they were in their teenager years. Unfortunately, they were being careless and ended up getting pregnant.Both of them actually didn't tell their moms that they got pregnant, and got an abortion on their own. They already knew what would happen if their mom's found out, so they did it without her knowing to keep her sane. Women have enough reason to get an abortion, and it shouldn't be legalized. Would ask my mom if she would give her baby up for adoption, and she told me she wouldn't want anyone else to have her baby. She would have to go t hru the heartache of knowing that someone else loves and takes care of her own baby.Of course having an abortion is difficult too. My mom tells me she still thinks about how different her life would be if she kept that baby. But she says that it was one of the best routes she could take. I was reading a lot Of articles, essays, and other things that supported my position on keeping abortion legal. Most of them all said the same thing. Women should have their own choice whether or not they should be allowed to get an abortion or not. For one, they could have been raped. Why would any woman want to keep a baby when rape impregnated them?Giving up the baby for adoption wouldn't even be an option in their head for them. She would be carrying the rapists baby for almost a full 9 months, and the thought of the incident would never go away. Feel like for a woman to move in that situation is if she got an abortion and just started over. A lot of these sources also included how women or girl s get abortions due to incest. I don't think anyone in their family got pregnant by someone else in the family. That's just wrong. It's not illegal to have a baby with a family member, but it's very looked down upon.Babies from incest situations are also more likely to be born with Down syndrome. Abortion would probably be very considerable in these situations. Abortion should be kept legal. One in three women gets an abortion by the time they are age 45. If the percentage of woman getting an abortion is so high, why should it become illegal? There are about 1. 1 million U. S. Abortions each year. Nearly 1 in 4 pregnancies end in abortion as well. If abortion becomes illegal, it's not like women are going to keep their babies. Instead, they II find another way to get an abortion.They'll go back to the clothes hanger way, which was used, back in the old days. Women would die all the time using that way because it is not safe. The procedures done today for abortion are safe. After all the research read, still think abortion should be kept legal. There are plenty of reasons as to why its okay to get one. My culture has made me believe that abortion shouldn't be something to avoid. I don't believe that abortion is bad. I believe it's very helpful. Many women in this world get abortions. It should stay legal so everyone can get proper procedures and care.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Unit 2 ip Presentation Essentials Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Unit 2 ip Presentation Essentials - Assignment Example Scientists believe that there should be some ways to produce more food to support all the people and considered artificial methods to produce food. A unique method known as genetically modified food is developed by the scientists that raised the amount of food produced by the farmers but many people are against the modifications in the food sector. However, modification in the food items is also brought by the environmental change and shortage or abundance of water resources. In the similar way, the utilization of toxic pesticides and inorganic fertilizers also become a reason in the modification of food products. The linkage between the global warming and the modification of bonds the human health. As the world’s food demand is increasing and the utilization of artificial methods is rising, the number of people that die with the lack of food is increasing (Kelly, 2012). The major cause is that the food producer is runs a business and in order to attain certain economic benefits in a short period of time, it become the necessity for the food produces to utilize the artificial methods to produce food. There is need to bring sustainability to the food industry. There is a need to plant vegetables, fruits and crops at homes, even a little effort can make a difference. The utilization of natural methods to produce food like the utilization of natural fertilizers like vegetable residue, dried leaves and wastes from humans and animals could be utilized as the natural fertilizer (Environment., 2012). Natural processes not only help the soil to retain its strength in retaining good minerals and fertilizers for the plant but also help the soil to retain water for longer periods. In this way, natural processes help to bring sustainability in the food sector. The major reason impacted the food is the increase in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide that influenced the

The effects of globalization on design (brand globalization and the Essay

The effects of globalization on design (brand globalization and the design industry) - Essay Example To have a consistent and definite visibility the companies require having a design that represents them. Designing a logo requires a lot of research. The designing of a logo is not an area of art where the creativity has to take over. Designing a logo is a combination of creativity and logic. A company must have a clear idea about how they want to position themselves in the market. Not all the key features of the company can be represented by the logo, so the company especially the designers have to decide which feature they want to highlight in their logo. A logo is not just a symbol it is a symbol which makes the company statement with the help of visual icon. Many companies like Nike, Microsoft and Coke are known for their logo design. They have been successful in positioning themselves in the global market with the help of their logo design. Logo design also wins the company the global recognition. This current trend of global branding with the help of logo design has placed a lo t of responsibility on the design industry. It becomes one of the main services for the design industry to design logos that help companies to expand. The design industries often have to do extensive research on the product of their clients and their area of operations. This helps them to design a logo and the promotion message for their clients which are effective. Designing a logo indeed plays an important role in the global branding of the company. 1 Globalisation and Design Globalisation is interconnection of countries economically. Globalisation has made all the companies realise that they must follow marketing strategies that are applicable globally. To enter foreign country a company must be very careful regarding the branding strategy followed by them. In global arena to establish a brand that is recognised by all requires a lot of thought process. Companies today are aware that they have to go global sometime during their expansion and chalk out their strategies accordingly . Consistent brand recognition all over the world is the main aim of all the companies. To design a logo and company message the design industry has to do a lot of research. Especially on the visual impact it has on the customers worldwide. The landscape has changed in the world of branding due to globalisation. According to experts brand must have a global reach. Brand visibility is a must for all companies who want to trade across the borders.2 However some brands do get advantage of being regional. The regional identity gives a lot of brand the ability to operate successfully in their nation. Consumers do recognise these brands as national brands and this gives them an added advantage. On the other hand to survive in international market these brands must have a global appeal. A new middle class has emerged in the BRIC nations namely, Brazil, Russia, India and China. This new customer base has deep pockets and for companies to target them a global approach is required. The design industry has to work on the presentation of these companies in such a way that all these countries feel included. Most companies try to break away from their regional identity to have a global appeal. Coke and Pepsi are the best example they always try to have a global approach .However, there are few companies like Dominos that do promote themselves globally with their regional